Wednesday, July 31, 2019

School Does Not Prepare You for Life

It is argued that school is designed to teach individuals how to teach themselves, but many scholars who study the state of academia would argue this is not the case. It is a common belief that the western private schools and universities are industrialized markets more focused on their profit margins, and pleasing parents, than preparing their students for the real world. The public school system is even worse off in that their infrastructure and supplies are largely dependent on the average income tax of their local communities, which in most urban areas barely makes the grade. Not often considered to be a home for organizations, the schooling industry in the United Kingdom has become a major source of profitable income. A national curriculum is mandatory in all state schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and for virtually every student up to the age of 16. It is organized by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and its partner authorities, the Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales and the Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) (HayGroup, 2006). The main aim of the national curriculum is to raise standards, making sure all children have a broad and balanced education up to the age of 16. In the past, many students dropped important subjects like modern language or science at 13 or 14 (Boone, 2006). If these mergers become successful, no different from major corporations, they mean expanded profit margins for whoever holds the asset. These schools are already considered financial assets, through the increase in property value around them, whether the property is owned by the government or privately owned (Boone, 2006). This is not a major issue for public schools, but when you consider privately owned schools, or Universities, the profitability of these corporations pedaling degrees must be realized. More often than not, these Universities are considered to be doing a common good, and therefore held in the charitable status tax bracket, where they are to very minimally taxed. This leads to more profit gains, and less reason to complicate the curriculum even if it fails to serve its purpose. In her essay, From Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work Jean Anyon identifies the hypocrisies in the education system. One of her major points is that in the higher income classrooms the majority of the students’ parents are executives, and only 10% are minorities. A common finding in her research is that the working class schools lack the necessary materials, or faculty, to be considered equal with the other school systems. Anyon also argues that the curriculums are different. students in different social-class backgrounds are rewarded for classroom behaviors that correspond to personality traits allegedly rewarded in the different occupational strata – the working classes for docility and obedience, the managerial classes for initiative and personal assertiveness. (Anyon, 1980) The defining line of the difference between what Anyon considers to be the executive curriculum and the working class is that the use of efficient learning methods verses inefficient forms. Historically, the most efficient form of learning used in the west, more so than textbooks, is the field trip; this is also known as project based learning (B. I. E. , 2002). It is also a very expensive learning tool, which is why most lower class curriculums are deprived of it. Project based learning has a long lived tradition of learning through the use of field trips, labs, investigations and other projects. It is considered to be a substantial method of teaching. The belief that drives this form of instructions revolves around the idea that students will be more liable to gain interest in curriculum that they can connect to their surroundings. Just studying the work in a text can grow to be mundane. When she analyzes elementary and secondary classroom curriculums, she finds a methodology very different from what is inherent in Project based education. Anyon discovers that the majority of contemporary textbook instruction is designed for the working class. PBL programs are usually not supported in public schools because they are too expensive. This difference is usually applicable to public schools and whether one is located near high income housing or low income housing. In sum, the school system in the U. K. suffers from capitalist interests, so much so that it fails to prepare its students for the real world. A lack of project based learning in lower income schools deprives the majority of the U. K. population of having real life instruction. Likewise, the upper class institutions that Anyon refers to, while they prepare students for executive positions, they handicap the students from ever being able to handle manual labor in the real world (Anyon, 1980). The end result is a generation of students that are socioeconomically segregated and that lack the necessary resourcefulness to survive on their own. School systems today produce students who are reliant on major corporations to employ them for skills they were predisposed to having.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Incorporating More Counselors and Psychologist in Schools to Help Young Children

Incorporating More Counselors and Psychologist in Schools to help Young Children This research proposal will explore the need to incorporate more psychologist and counselors in schools in order to help children with various psychological needs. The main reason for choosing this area of study is because there has been a general perception that young children as young as 4 years do not have challenges that may require the attention of counselors.However, research has shown that there are issues like grief, bullying, behavioral disorders that hinder young children from realizing their potential or enjoying their childhood life (Buckroyd 132; Cash 28; Linda170). Most of these challenges manifest in different ways later in life (Susan et al. , 330). For example, research evidence has linked parental neglect early in life to increased probability of engaging in crime later in life. However, these challenges can be resolved by effective counseling programs during childhood. The study will u se a survey method where it will collect both primary and secondary data.The primary data will be collected through interview method using structured questionnaire to interview counselors and school administrators. The collected data will be analyzed using thematic analysis in order to understand the major issues that pertains to counseling young children. Annotated Bibliography Buckroyd, Flitton J. â€Å"counseling Children and Young People who attend a School for Children with Complex Needs: a case study. † Counseling & Psychotherapy Research (CPR), 5. 2(2005): 131-137. Print. In this study the authors exploring the effect of counseling children with complex needs.The report showed that children reported improvement including improved communication, self-awareness, and self confidence. Cash, Ralph. â€Å"Depression in Young Children: Information for parents and educators. † National Association of School Psychologists, 2004. Print. This source gives important informa tion about depression in young children. The source is important for this study because it creates the necessity for introducing counseling services for young children through school based counseling programs. Linda, Goldman. â€Å"Counseling with children in contemporary society. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 26. 2(2004): 168-187. Print. This article looks at different elements concerning children’ developmental understanding of issues like death and how they may affect children at their young age. The author therefore roots for effective counseling and therapeutic session to help children understand such issues and learn how to live with them. Pattison, Sue, Rowland Nancy, Cromarty Karen, Richards Kaye, Jenkins Peter, Cooper Mick, Polat Filiz and Couchman Angela. â€Å"Counseling in Schools: A research study into services for children and young people in Wales. Welsh Assembly Government, 2007. Print. This is a report of a government funded research project which ev aluated counseling in UK schools. The survey research recommended that providing counseling services for young children requires qualified counselors, sustainable funding, accessible and appropriate services, and culturally accepted counseling. This source will be important for the study because it provides information on the needs of establishing a counseling program. Sue Pattison and Belinda Harris. â€Å"Counselling Children and Young People: A review of the evidence for its effectiveness. Counseling & Psychotherapy Research, 6. 4 (2006): 233-237. Print. The study explores different methodologies and approaches that can be used in counseling young children. The study shows the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic, and creative therapies at different levels in addressing different counseling problems. Susan Danby, Carly Butler, and Michael Emission. â€Å"’Have you Talked with a Teacher Yet? ’: How helpline counselors support young call ers being bullied at school. † Children and Society, 25. 4 (2011): 328-339. Print.Bullying is one of the major problems facing young children in school. In this study, the authors showed that helpline counselors can assist children cope with bullying and perform better at school. Velsor, Patricia. â€Å"Revisiting basic counseling skills with children. † Journal of Counseling and Development, 82. 3 (2004): 313-318. Print. This article offers insight into the skills that are required for counselors who offer school based counseling programs for young children. The article highlights different micro skills that counselors should harbor to help young children facing challenges at school and community.Wallace Alison, Holloway Lee, Woods Ronald, Malloy Lucinda and Rose Jillian. â€Å"The Psychological and Emotional Wellbeing Needs of Children and Young People: Models of effective practice in educational settings. † Final Report by Department of Education and Communiti es, (2011). Print. In this report, the authors discuss the components of the wellbeing of young children. Among these needs, an effective counselling service is listed. This report is important for this study because it shows the importance of counseling for young children.

Expansion Essay Essay

There were two presidents that did a great deal for our country in the area of expansion. These two presidents are Thomas Jefferson and James K. Polk. Though they had completely different policies on expansion and foreign affairs, both of them vastly expanded the country. Jefferson was a believer in the Monroe Doctrine which basically said we will mind our own busi ness. He was also a very firm believer in a strict interpretation of the constitution. He did not look to vastly expand our country and when the opportunity presented itself he had a hard time making the right decision. The United States was surrounded by European owned areas: England had Canada, Spain had Florida, and France had Louisiana. Fearing a possible war Jefferson strengthened the army especially by Louisiana. This act scared Napoleon, he was in a war with England and didn’t even need the Louisiana Territory, so fearing a war with the U.S. and needing money for his war with England he offered to sell the wh ole Louisi ana Territory to us for very cheap. Jefferson not sure if the constitution justified the act of making this purchase struggled with the decision. He decided he didn’t have much of a choice and accepted Napoleons offer. On the other hand, James K. Polk was a firm believer in Manifest Destiny, which was the belief that the United States was predestined to control all of North America. When Polk ran in the 1844 election his campaign slogan was 54-40 or fight. Though he never got that boundary he did get a lot more in different parts of the country. After Texas revolted from Mexico Polk was easy to convince that the U.S. should step in and take Texas from Mexico. Though he wanted Texas he felt that the greatest prize would be California. After Mexico repeatedly declined Polk’s offers to buy Mexico and California Polk sent an army to the Rio Grande. This action led to the Mexican War. Polk pushed and pushed for Texas and California which after thirteen thousand American lives and fifty thousand Mexican lives were lost he got his land. Both of these presidents expanded the area of our country a tremendously. Jefferson’s policies on expansion kept us out of war and doubled the size of our country with great land that would be much needed in coming years. Polk didn’t keep us out of war but he got us a lot. He gained the United States half a million acres of prime land. Texas was an excellent producer of cotton and other crops, while Califor nia was abundant in gold causing the gold rush where thousands of men would head west to California in search of gold. Though Polk and Jefferson had almost opposite policies, in the area of expansion, they both ac quired much land for the United States. Jefferson, the believer in the Monroe Doctrine, and Polk the believer in Manifest Destiny, probably would not have agreed with each other but both did a lot of good for our country.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Hard Core Hypothesis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hard Core Hypothesis - Assignment Example In essence, the auxiliary hypothesis has laid major emphasis on the role of geographical propinquity and self-protective military technological innovations. Hence, this has played a significant role in the provision of quality international relations (Dunne, et. al. 105). In simple terms, reductionism refers to the earlier realist explanations, which dwelt on features or characteristics of individual states along with their leaders (Mearsheimer 130). In this sense, reductionism embraces the fact that we can deepen our comprehension of a complex international political system by dividing it into simple sub-units and then study the behavioral characteristics each of them in isolation. The subunits can include features such as states, firms or the preference of the cabinet members. In general, reductionism is of great significance particularly in the development of a theory related to the international political economy (Waltz 120). Research indicates that structuralism entails the twist to realistic international relations. This is characterized by instability, war and poor constitutional structures of countries. The result of this is a significant rise in the levels of corruption in the affected states. It is essential to acknowledge that structuralism has played a significant role in the existence of a more stable, bipolar or multipolar system of government. Furthermore, the idea of structuralism has provided significant assists between the respective structuralists particularly on microeconomic theories related to imperfect competition (Dunne, et. al. 105). In simple terms, theory refers to a well-organized set of universal statements that bring together or combine features relating to logical truth and to predictive accuracy (Gilpin 88). Logical truth signifies that some of the assumptions (statements) rationally imply the other statements.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Is Charisma a Personal Quality or a Trait Essay

Is Charisma a Personal Quality or a Trait - Essay Example The essay "Is Charisma a Personal Quality or a Trait?" examines the concepts of charisma as a trait and a personal quality. Charisma has been studied and theorized in various ways by different sociologists, psychologists, and management specialists. The concept of charisma as a trait has been elaborately explained in Weber’s work related to leadership in the civil society. Originally, Weber referred to charisma as an inherent quality of an individual, which makes that individual very different from the ordinary men and gets treated as someone specially awarded with paranormal, heroic and exceptional qualities. Later, he narrowed this definition to include specific personal qualities that distinguish the individual from other people. Based on Weber’s generalization and pontification of charisma, Shils defined charisma as, â€Å"the quality which is imputed to persons, actions, roles, institutions, symbols and material objects because of their presumed connection with ‘ultimate,’ fundamental,’ ‘vital,’ order-determining powers†. Weber refers to charisma as one of three bases of legitimate authority in the institutional setup. While Weber’s original concept of charisma emphasizes on charisma as a personal quality. Weber’s philosophy bases the evolution of all social organizations on charismatic qualities of few individuals. Klein and House define charisma as â€Å"a fire that ignites followers’ energy and commitment, producing results above and beyond the call of duty†.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 15

Finance - Essay Example Note: The category ‘Economic inactivity’ includes all people who are not in paid employment or actively looking for a job, while ‘Unemployed’ only includes people actively looking for a job and available to work in the next two weeks (the standard definition of unemployment). ‘Total population’ refers to people living in private households (i.e. not in residential care homes, community centres or prisons). The government decisions that can affect the flow of cash from both households and corporate is Fiscal and Monetary Policies which includes, the taxation which is interest rates and the government spending(Riley 2012) The money that flow to the government includes, savings, payments made to the government, and the taxes. The types of taxes that are paid to the government include, council tax1, taxes on income , National Savings & Investments savings, and government bonds, while payments to government includes, rents paid for living in buildings own by the government(Vivienne Brown and Alan Shipman). If government decides to increase taxes, it means that the money flowing to the households will go done while money flowing to the government will go up. Furthermore, if the government reduces the money which is going towards the citizen then it means that the money flowing towards the households will go down. The amount of money that flows from households to corporate includes payments to financial institutions, and spending on services and goods. Spending on services and goods include, money used on foods, leisure, rent, purchase of financial product, clothing and repayment of debts among others. Money that flows from corporations includes loans and incomes, for example salary and dividends. The government can affect this flow of money from households to corporations and vice versa by coming up with monetary policy, and depending where its leaning to then money would flow towards that direction. For

Friday, July 26, 2019

Should UK policy makers be concerned about unemployment persistence Essay

Should UK policy makers be concerned about unemployment persistence and hysteresis given the increase in the unemployment rate since the start of the recession in 2008 - Essay Example There are numerous approaches to define unemployment; these approaches have been made since unemployment may not be an easy aspect in the globe. There have arisen numerous challenges which have pushed the international agencies to formulate different aspects of unemployment (Mortensen, Pissarides, Tatsiramos & Zimmermann, 2011). This approach is based on the data collected from persons who claim they are not employed. In the UK, such category of individuals is liable to get some help from the government, the help can be termed as the Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA). The specifications such people need to accomplish include; out of work for less than 16 hours a week, be available for work, currently seeking employment, capability to handle work, be of age and a resident in the UK. This can be summarized by the following equation to depict the percentage unemployment rate: ILO measures that group of people who are not working, actively seeking jobs and capable of undertaking any job that may arise. This approach measures the proportion of the population that is unemployed, this encompasses: those who are economically active in the country. The rate, which is arrived at is state based since it encompasses residents of the particular country (Clasen, Goul, Halvorsen & Oorschot, 2002). Census in the UK is carried out after every 10 years; it aims at providing a count of all people and the households apart from the demographic data which is collected. The census also avails a big range of labour related data. This data is very important in measurement of unemployment. According to the census reports, unemployment can be described as the number of persons who do not have jobs and are actively looking for jobs. This is the same principle outlined in the International labour organization (ILO) (Howell, 2005). Unemployment revolves around the economic factors in the country. Every small sector in the economy

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Midtern take home assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Midtern take home assignment - Essay Example Marx believed that in this kind of system, the laborers are oppressed. They work a lot and yet they get very little. On the contrary, the capitalist hardly works at all and yet they get almost everything. And it is in these circumstances that Marx made the aforementioned statements. Due to oppression, people needed something to believe in. They feel weak and powerless against the system. They believe that there is nothing they can do. That change is beyond their power. And because of this desperation, the people needed to believe that there is a higher power. They need to believe, even if they don't understand why the system is so unfair, that all this is part of a greater plan. That someday, they will be at ease. They need to believe that someone out there is aware and sympathetic of their misery. That someone out there would give them comfort. Thru religion, the oppressed find hope. As such, Marx believed that religion is a response to oppression. This is the reason why he said that religion is "The sentiment of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions." Without a 'heartless world' or 'soulless condition', religion would not emerge. If people where truly satisfied with the current state of things, they would not look for other places for happiness. They would not turn to religion of hope and comfort. In this context, Marx also said "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed cre... Hence, to believe in a certain religion is the only thing that the oppressed can do to make them feel better. "It is the opium of the people" Marx said. And we all know that opium is a narcotic drug. And we are aware what narcotic drugs can do. They provide an illusion of happiness, a fantasy. They make you feel better without solving the problem. To Marx, this is what religion provides to the people. The happiness that religion provides is not real, only momentary and most importantly, it does not solve the problem of oppression. Since religion provides happiness and hope to the people, for the meantime, they are contented. This prevents them from seeing the situation for what it really is. Instead of questioning the system, their attention is diverted to religion. Because of this, Marx also believed that the capitalist actually uses religion to pacify the people and maintain the system. I think the capitalist are aware of how significant the laborers' contribution is to the whole production. And without laborer cooperation, the whole economic system will fall. So the capitalist encourage the development of religion to keep laborers happy. And if they are happy, they continue to work for the system. They don't realize that the system is actually unfair to them. They are actually being oppressed by this system. Second Part: Explain why the socialization of means of production would eliminate the need for religion. In a capitalist system, the capitalist owns the machineries and materials which the laborers use for production. As a result, bulk of the profit goes back to the capitalist. If there is a socialization of means of production, said machineries and materials would be owned by the people themselves. In turn, the

Angels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Angels - Essay Example Indeed the angels have been major guiding forces through the ages and they have remained an intrinsic part of my life from the childhood. I do agree with the author that angels do exist and influence our decision in issues and events in our daily life. While they may not come as fairies and bright lights or even people with halos, the voice of our conscience at critical hour, could be construed as the voice of the angels who want us to take the right path and correct decision. The subtle ways in which people are forewarned of dire consequences greatly reinforce the presence of some super power in our life and calling them by angels would not be incorrect, especially when our religious mythology has called them as messengers of God. My belief in the angels has not mellowed with growing up because I still believe that angels have come to me whenever I have been in difficult situations, in the form of friends, relative or even stranger who have come forward and guided me to safety and right path. In my acquaintance, I don’t have people who have unbiblical ideas about angels though, some of them may not believe in the existence of guardian angels. I do believe that angels are someone who want us to fight against the evil forces that might come in different forms, shapes and means. That is the reason that the new age angels have taken the form of Harry Potter, Sabrina, the witch etc. The media is abound with the tales of heroes that have fought the death traps and conquered the destructive forces that have come to harm the people and threatened the existence of this world. The children are greatly attracted to such serials and show because somewhere deep within them, they believe that good people will overpower the evil forces. These shows are successful primarily because they confirm the beliefs of the children. The scriptures of various religions have one common belief and that is that there is some super power which takes care