Monday, September 30, 2019

My Theory of Personality

Theory of Personality: Introducing Myself as a Theorist Kaila Stevens Bethel College Personality Theory: Introducing Myself as a Theorist BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH During high school I excelled at all aspects of her life. Bright student who was on the board for the National Honor Society. Leader of Student Athletes for PACT. Academics was not the only thing I excellent at; sports was a big part of my life. I was 3rd team all state in basketball by the time I got to my senior year. I placed 8th in state in the 400, and was top ten ranked all of my junior and senior years.I was offered countless scholarships spread across the board in terms of divisions of schools and for more than one sport. I was a well rounded individual ready for college. I moved into Grace College in the fall of 2008 on a full track scholarship and my life took a turn for the negative. School and sports were no longer important to me. I was so dependent on my parents I did not know how to make my own choices. I spend th e next three years rebelling against the authority of Grace College, because I did not know how to handle myself.In 2011, I realized my rebellion was due to all the attention my brother was receiving for being autistic, and I wanted â€Å"something wrong with me too† so my parents could worry about me. Also, around this time of insight, I volunteered at the Crossing, an alternative middle school where I developed relationships with some amazing kids stuck in horrible situations. My life outlook changed from needing attention to wanting to give all my attention to others. THE BASIC NATURE OF HUMAN BEINGS My theory takes a humanistic approach in almost all aspects. I agree with Horney and Adler that our inherent nature is constructive. We strive to develop our healthy potential and pathological behavior occurs if this innate force toward positive growth is blocked by external social forces† (Introduction to theories of personality, 2010). However, unlike Horney and Adler I believe these social forces are of a sin nature. God's will for our lives is for us to spread his word and impact others with his teachings of love and truth. My definition of sinful nature is the inherited and deeply ingrained drive to rule our own lives by rebelling against God by meeting our own needs and our own wants apart from God.Our sinful nature is how we please ourselves and where our drive for superiority starts. Striving for superiority in my theory is established during the making of our sinful nature. We want to control ourselves and control others around us, we do this in sin by not following God's orders. My striving for superiority definition is not as complex as the sinful nature theory, because it is only a small part to our sinful nature. Our internal sinful nature mixes with our external actions to create blocked social forces. My opinions have come from my own understanding of Mark 7:21-23. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornication, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, all these evil things proceed from within and defile the man† (Bible, ). Since people are born inherently good, their behavior becomes blocked by our sinful nature, we spend our life driving towards self-actualization. My definition of self-actualization is the ongoing process of establishing oneself as a whole person and gaining the abilities to understand oneself. When we understand our sinful nature and we realize how deeply sinful we are we can reach self-actualization.My time spent with teens at the Crossing seeded this concept. The Crossing is an alternative Christian Middle School that specializes in transforming teens' hearts and minds as well has teaching the Indiana State requirements of education. All the teens attending the Crossing have been expelled from their precious schools because of fighting, foul language towards other students and teachers, or for drug use. Most of the teens come f rom broken homes and many do not live with their actual parents due to custody battles. Along with these factors many of the teens come from homes that place a low value on education.Sadly most do not reach their goals in the classroom because of many reasons due to family troubles. Most of the children have a blocked self-actualization because of the negative society they live in but they initially set out to do well for themselves by working towards good grades. The sinful nature of wickedness and evil things, as spoken about from Mark 7:21-23, block their will to establishing their whole self. Honrey states, â€Å"man has the capacity as well as desire to develop his potential and become a decent human being, and due to relationships with others disturbers growth† (Horney, 1942).My theory, like Honrey's passage, states people can try to do well for themselves but if this is done within a sinful nature, they cannot reach their full potential. Since I believe self-actualizat ion is blocked by social forces, another aspect of my basic nature is that individuals are always trying to compensate and overcome. In my theory as people strive to become superior they do so in two ways; compensation and overcoming. The term overcoming is defined as conquering a fear or challenge presented in an individuals mind.While the term compensate is borrowed from Adler. Compensation is a strategy where a person covers up frustrations, desires or feelings in one aspect of their life to excel in another. Since people are striving for self-actualization, â€Å"if a child faces weakness with optimism and courage, and strives for superiority by making the necessary effort satisfactory to feel less superior† (Adler, 1933). I interpreted Adler and used his words to form my own opinion of compensation and related it to my own personal experience.I have had a stuttering problem all of my life. I went to many speech pathologist from prekindergarten all the way to my senior ye ar of high school. In high school I overcompensated my stuttering by being number one on the sports field. On the field no words were needed, I expressed my true self without words by being the best and showing everyone I could do something above and beyond others. I used sports to compensate for my lack of verbal skills. My faith and my theory have an explanation for compensation and why as humans we feel the need to compensate.Christianity tell us to love ourselves because God made us in his image. As part of our sinful nature, I believe we compensate because we do not fully believe yet that we are made perfectly in his image. As people we find tiny imperfections within us and on our bodies all the time. We believe if we were perfect we would not have our imperfections. We compensate to hide our imperfections from ourselves. This is a good example within my theory regarding our sinful nature and how we need to first discover our sinful nature to reach our self-actualization.THE ST RUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY I believe our unconscious is extremely important to the development of our personality within society. The unconscious consists of the processes in the mind that occur automatically and are not available for the conscious to digest; that is it is outside of our understanding. My theory also states that a person does not wish to understand their unconscious because it holds their deepest darkest secrets they would not like shared with the social world in fear of being rejected. These deepest darkest secrets are called shades.Instead of using the term shadow like Jung I decided to make my own. Shade is an appropriate name for deepest darkest secrets, because shading is the blocking of the secrets and the shadows it has created. Shade is also consisted of the colors gray, black and white. These colors represent the blur of what we do not understand in our unconscious and the dark place it is. A person will use a number of defense mechanism like; r epression, projection and rationalization to cover up their sinful nature and to strive for superiority.A person does not want to face reality of their sins because they realize how much more deeply sinful they are than what they initially realized. I believe a person strives to be superiority in other aspects of their life to make up for their sinful nature and use defense mechanism to cope with the things that are unconscious. A persons shade is dark that a person must use defense mechanism to protect themselves. My definition of repression is a mental process of suppressing memories into the unconscious.My experience with stuttering at a young age was a traumatic experience and in order to protect myself I needed to repress those experiences. Elementary children do not understand why someone has a disability and making jokes about it is considered cool because at that age the understanding is not there. By repressing the memories I could move past the negative experience and try to have healthy relationships. Repression in my theory is not always a negative trait, sometimes a person needs to repress experiences to move on in their life to reach self actualization.A person uses projection has a means of an outlet to protect their unconscious emotions. My theory blends from Alders' definition of repression which is, â€Å"attributing one's feelings, shortcomings, or unacceptable impulses to others† (Adler, 1957). I interpreted this into my theory by stating projection is releasing tension without letting the conscious understand what is happening and my experiences at the Crossing furthermore proved my theory. The children at the Crossing would cuss and attempt to start physical fights with teachers because they were releasing their tension onto the teachers.A normal conversation could start a fight, because that's all it took for the projection to be triggered. The students would release their shortcomings in their lives onto others as a defense mecha nism. My theory realizes that a person does not comprehend they are even using projection. My theories last defensive mechanism is rationalization. This is the easiest defense to understand. A person unconsciously gives themselves a false explanation of their own behavior. Freud states, â€Å"rationalization was supposed to be an automatic self-protection reaction† (Feud). I agree with Freud but I explore the rationalization theory in more detail.Adler had another name for rationalization and that was private logic. â€Å"In the kind of erroneous and self-centered reasoning that supports what we want to do rather than what's good for us or for others† (Adler, 1957). My theory combines both definitions to create my own. A person thinks they understand what is good for them so they realization to self protect themselves only because they do not understand their potential. They rationalize because their self actualization is blocked by social forces therefore they only th ink something is good for them because they do not understand their potential.Therefore, a health person does not need to self rationalization their behavior because their self actualization is being meet and is not blocked. DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY Erik Erikson had the epigenetic psycho-sexual stages of man in his personality theory. My theory has a similar stages of man but mine does not focus on the psycho-sexual but rather the development of personality through stages of life. A person on one side of the spectrum could stay in one stage their whole life or move progressively through, a person can only move through the stages after mastering the crisis at that stage.My theory is designed this way because I always have considered myself a late bloomer compared to others. Every person is different and finding their niche in a stage is up to the development of that person and their state of self actualization. My first stage starts at the beginning at birth and ends in an individu als thirty's. My first stage is labeled the environment stage. This is the first stage after a child is born and ends around 18 months. A baby cannot speak or communicate in any way except for cry. In this stage a baby first becomes aware of their environment.Since they can do nothing for themselves, a baby learns early on if their environment is a positive or negative environment. Hence, the start of self actualization within their environment. In this stage a child also chooses to be a positive or negative contribution to society. My second stage is the trusting stage, similar to Erikson's oral-sensory stage. This builds after the environment stage because a baby learns to trust their environment or mistrust it. Erikson backs up my claim with, â€Å"the amount of trust is derived from earlier infantile experience depends on the quality of the maternal relationship† (Erikson,1964 ).The caregiver is the child's main environment. If caregiver does not feed children or hold whi le child is crying mistrust is created. If the child has more mistrust over trust self actualization has already been blocked. Social forces have already showed the child their environment is flawed. Proving rising above hard. The third stage is the power stage. This is usually the potty training stage and starts around 18 months and last till around age three. A child wishes to express their needs and wants and pushes their environment anyway they can.This is where a child begins to want to achieve and rise about their negative environment. They want to express their power over their caregivers who have provided for them. A child wants to show they can do things themselves. This is the beginnings of a child thinking of being superior over others. Superior in that this stage is the start of the striving for superiority. A child understands their limitations and tries to gain power in other ways. This idea of superior is a new concept and a child does not understand how to express it yet.The fourth stage is the curiosity stage and starts at age three and last till the child is about five years old. A child is becoming more involved within their environment. They want to contribute but since they have no knowledge base to contribute they explore the options presented in their environment. They learn and this is the beginning of understanding what is acceptable in society and what is not. A sense of pride when mastering a learned activity is a common trait in this stage. The four stages listed above happen early on in life, usually between 0 and 5 years.Most hit the stages when their peers do but some do fly through them while others take longer in some areas. My theory does not put set ages on stages because each person is different. My theory on developing personality does not put a set age on a stage because I know people can still be healthy and be slow in some stages and master others quickly. The fifth stage is labeled the character stage, like Erikson's st age of identity vs confusion and becomes around age five and seven. This is where the child needs to be a heard and an appreciated connection in their environment. Their self esteem is built and destroyed in this stage.I based this part of my theory on my interpretation of Erikson's passage of, â€Å"Like a trapeze artist, the young person in the middle of vigorous motion must let go of his safe hold on childhood and reach out for for a firm gasp on adulthood† (Erikson, 1964). The sinful nature of people can negatively affect self actualization and blocked a persons growth. This is also the stage a person picks what they want to try to excel in and go for their fit, triggering their beginning introduction to adulthood. The sixth stage is closely following the character stage and sometimes can happen at the same time.Usually this stage starts around seven years and lasts till around age 12. No matter if self actualization is happening or not this stage is where a person learns they cannot excel at everything better than everyone else. This is where compensation is developed. A person tried to compensate what they lack into something they are good at so they feel a sense of superiority. This is a very important stage for the developed of a person. When a person realizes their sinful nature is much more than what they original thought a child will try to make up for it by being superior in another area.A person driven by a sinful nature always has to feel superior over someone else in some aspect of their life. This stage is considered the compensation stage. A person cannot become fully self actualized t unless they realize they cannot be the best at everything and their sinful nature will always be present. If a person does not overcome this stage they cannot have developed lasting relationships with others. The later stages are harder to achieve if defense mechanisms are in place due to prior experiences. A person must work through some of their repress ion, projection, and realization to achieve the later stages of life.Not every shade has to be revealed but some has to come into light so a person can understand themselves well enough to grow into the next stages. The seventh stage is the acquaintance stage and starts around age twelve and lasts till early twenties. This stage resembles Erik's intimacy vs isolation stage. After the sixth stage a person begins to develop deeper feelings for others around them. Since they have felt superior over others a person feels they can gain recognition and support from significant others. This is where a person finally feels it is okay to be them because they have felt superior.My theory is important to understand that a person cannot maturely love another without feeling a sense of superiority over someone. The reason being because they have to first appreciate themselves before they can let others appreciate them. A person struggling at this stage can cause problems in their relationships f rom past broken relationships they watched as a child. The eighth stage involves another person and has an age around between twenty to thirty years. Intimacy is where two people have enough trust in each other to put aside their superiority complex.The two people enter into mature love. This is the stage people consider getting married and sharing their future with someone else. They realize their partner is going to be better at things then them and that is okay because they have trust that their significant other likes them for who they are in God's image. Signs of divorces happens in this stage due to the lack of putting aside their superior attitude and letting their own will dominate. Divorce can happen in any later stage but in this stage if superior attitudes are not put aside, the marriage could be marked for divorce.A person still believe they are better than their partner and nothing their partner does is ever good enough. This thinking can lead to fights, problems and bu ilt up of negative emotions. This is the result in lack of trust. This is where moving on from the trust stage correctly is key. If a person mistrust others they cannot fully give themselves to their partner. The mistrust leads to fear. Fear that the other person sees their true self and that self is not good enough. The Bible tells us in John 4:18, â€Å"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment.He that that fearth is not made prefect love† (Bible). The Bible points to mature love and fear as being opposites. When a person is confident in themselves they do not fear their partner loving them for their true self's. My theory states above that a better cannot become confident in themselves with feeling superior to someone. Thus stage seven and eight follow each other. The ninth stage in my theory is the stage of asserting themselves into their world and begins after marriage. This is a stage where that person is ready to accept full responsible of themselves and their significant other.Usually a person strives for a profession not just simply a job. They want to assert themselves and use their superiority to expand into their work. In this stage a person establishes themselves in the adult world. This is the largest stage in my theory because a person is always growing and changing to become who they wish to become. If self actualization is blocked a person cannot reach their full potential and they underachieve. A person will compensate in this stage to make their dreams come true. My last stage is the mature adult stage and is found somewhere in middle adult life.This stage is defined has understanding that as an adult taking care of significant others you will have to do unpleasant tasks that they know will have to be achieved. In this stage a person takes responsibility for their own life, even the parts they do not like or didn't particular choose to live. I believe in this stage a person understands their sinful nature and understand how they have been been made in God's perfect image. Everyone has heard of a midlife adult crisis, and my theory explains how a person can go through it.A midlife crisis is defined has an identity and self-confidence that can occur in the middle of life because a person is struggling to find who they are in God's image. Life stated above I believe we are all different and will all hit the stages at different times. I believe a person must complete all stages to achieve self-actualization. If a stage is not overcame correctly, it will affect the next stage. My theory is different in that I believe a person can fix previous stages while being in a different stage. I believe this because we can realize our past mistakes and correct them. God has made it clear that we are his sinful people.FUTHER APPLICATIONS Unlike most psychologists, I do not believe our dreams have much stock in our unconscious or our shades we store within it. I believe we are merely hu man and do not have all the answers but we try to pretend that we do. We try to base a decision largely on a piece of information only because we saw it pop up in our dream or we rationalize that we are supposed to do something but we dreamed about it. I believe dreams are only created from the last things we think about before we drift into sleep. The things we think about right before sleep are fresh in our minds so our brain continues to process them.I have come to this conclusion because of how I study. I study normal during day but right before going to sleep I can read over my notes and drift off to sleep rereading them to myself. Most likely than not I will dream about something I have studied. My theory is the opposite of Freud and his followers regarding dream interpretation. His dream interpretation is defined has the assigning of meaning to dreams. He has concepts of manifest content, latent dream-thoughts and dream work. He is also under the impression we remember our dr eams upon waking and dreams are supposed to be fulling.The only aspect of his theory that my theory agrees with is the symbolic nature of dreams. I cannot possible begin to describe every dream I have ever had. Nobody can remember each dream so his term of manifest content does not hold truth in my theory. I disagree with latent dream-thoughts concept as well, as stated above, psychologists cannot interpret symbols within dreams. But, my theory agrees somewhat with the symbolic nature of dreams. Like I said dreams are only the last thoughts we have before sleep. If a person has a thought of someone they do not like they could dream of punching that person in their dream.The act of negatively hurting the person shows how they dislike them. My theory does agree with the symbolic nature of dreams. With this being stated, symbolic dreams are defined has the dreams representing an action or thought you have hidden within a person's shade. The neurosis of a person is their sinful nature a nd how society alters a person from God's image. A Christian can only be free of the burden of their sinful nature by believing and understanding Christ sent his only son to the cross for us. A person has a negative neurosis when they have an excessive tension because of lack in trust of God's plan for them on this world.Tension is built when a persons sinful nature is overpowering and a person knows their nature is wrong. A person is only fulfilling their needs, not God's plan for them. Isiah 61:1-3 shows us what God planned to do with each of our lives. He knows we have problems but since he is God we can only overcome our sinful nature. To fix a persons neurosis they must obey God above their sinful nature and discipline themselves to read his word and understand our personal struggles have already been overcome by our Lord. My psychotherapy approach understands fixing a persons' neurosis is not always has simple has following God's words.If it was that easy everyone would live a life without sin; which is not possible. This is where a trained psychologists can have a positive impact in your life. Like many humanistic approaches, my theory called for a personal relationship between patient and therapist. A therapist can use their own life and experiences as an example of how a Christian life should be lived. A Christian is not perfect nor do they not make mistakes. By developing a personal relationship the therapist can show examples of their past mistakes and how with God's grace they have moved past that aspect of their sinful nature.The therapist can help a patient work through their sinful nature to come to self-actualization. If a person is not a Christian and they go to a therapist using my theory the therapist must bring the person to Christ or at least have the understanding of where my theory is based on. Without understanding how they can never really out live their sinful nature, but God loves us for who we are. EVALUTION There are strengths and weakness involved when dissusing any theory but for mine specifically s

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Schools as Organisations

6. 2 Explain the role of schools in national policies relating to children, young people and families. As part of the National Governments incentive to help provide backing and encouragement to practitioners in schools 2 new funding programmes were introduced by the Department for Children, Schools and Families as part f the Government Children Plan. These programmes; Every Child a Talker (ECAT) and Social and Emotional Aspects of Development (SEAD). These were launched to increase the skills of early year’s specialists and were a part of the government’s wider pledge to the education workforce development. These packages were designed to address the need for children in schools to experience a language rich setting through staff in ensuring that they work successfully with both parents and families. Through SEAD, staff in schools would gain the knowledge and understanding to help engage parents more effectively in order for them to be better prepared to support their child’s social and emotional needs. It was the abuse and ultimate death of Victoria Climbie in 2000 which prompted changes in children’s services. The Every Child Matters paper set out a national agenda and plan with the aim of providing more services that were accessible for the needs of children, young people and families which stated that schools and other child care providers must demonstrate ways that they could work towards each of the outcomes. The 5 key aims and intentions were; Be healthy: schools needed to play a leading part in health education towards children and young people which included questioning the significance of snacks and the nutritional contents of school meals, as well as enabling children to enjoy a good physical and mental health by being part of a healthy lifestyle. Stay safe: a survey among 11~16 year olds in mainstream schools claimed that almost 46% had been the victim of some form of bullying, in order to break these statistics it is vital that pupils need to feel that they are being protected in school, in order for schools to do this they must continue to make behaviour management and anti bullying an significant issue. Enjoy and achieve: in order for students to get the most out of life and develop the necessary skills for adulthood children and young people must enjoy their lives and achieve their potential. In order for schools to assist with this they must make improvements in failings across different ethnic groups and unauthorised absences that are unacceptable. Contribute: children and young people need to be involved in their community rather than involve themselves in anti social behaviour. Schools can teach children the ethics of social responsibility and a feeling of ‘belonging’ by providing link to a pupils own community and how they can become a part of it. Achieve a good standard of living: children and young people with parents who are unemployed or existing on low incomes must be encouraged to aspire to a better career and lifestyle for themselves. Schools can develop strategies to enable all students to reach their full potential. At Parkhill School we are part of a walk to school programme which encourages pupils at the school to walk rather than take other forms of transport, for every child who participates they are awarded with a different badge at the end of each month which they proudly display on their bags. We also are part of War Child International; this is a charity which works across the world to support children that are affected by war. Each Christmas the children at our school are asked to provide a shoe box filled with items that would be suitable for a child living in a war torn country. The children feel a great deal of fulfilment and happiness when they know they are helping a child and that gives them a sense of realization about children who have a lot less than themselves

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Emily Dickinsons Poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Emily Dickinsons Poems - Essay Example In her scheme of things "poets" head the list of what is important in life-they come before "summer" or even "the Heaven of God" Perhaps, there really isn't really any need for a list. Just "poets" are enough, because "poets" comprehend (include) the whole", whether it is the summer sun or Heaven itself. If Genesis were to be re-written, we may presume that according to Dickinson, it would be a simple statement-'God created Poetry'. Poetry is a form of art with which she is hopelessly in love with. It is far superior to prose, because the poet dwells in the realm of "possibility", and not in a prosaic (note, the origin of the word 'prosaic'!) house of mere facts. The poet's house has more windows, and superior doors. This refers to the openness of the poet to ideas, a greater openness than that possessed by the prose writer. And, finally, in "I died for Beauty", Dickinson equates Beauty and Truth-in an echoing of the sentiments of another great poet who wrote, " Beauty is truth, truth beauty" (Keats) Beauty, which is Truth, is simply something worth dying for. Dickinson's poems express the universal truth so often experienced by creative people, that the human impulse to create is powerful, and transcends all. It does not look for reward or recognition, and even scoffs at death. It is an urge, which is an end in itself, and the artist (poet) is a vehicle of the Muse to this end of creation. Works Cited Primary Sources Dickinson, Emily Verse- Emily Dickinson- Complete Poems, retrieved 11th August 2007"I died for beauty" "I dwell in possibility" American Poems "Ireckon when I count it all." Keats, John The Oxford Book of English Verse, Ode on A Grecian Urn, retrieved 11th August2007 What connections have you made between literature and everyday life Margaret Atwood's Happy Endings is an interesting essay on how literature is a reflection of real life, and how to produce a 'good' story. She does not overtly give any rules for writing; she conveys through six scenarios (A to F) how to produce an interesting work. As protagonists in our own (real) life, the scenario that we would all love to live is Scenario A-a simple uncomplicated life. Who likes problems anyway We are forced to cope with problems because they come unbidden. But while a simple and uncomplicated life makes us happy, it hardly goes to make an interesting story. Even historians' chronicles give more importance to wars and famine and revolution. A peaceful period is often dismissed with the words, 'The reign of Queen

Friday, September 27, 2019

Disappearance of Coral Reefs due to Global Climate Change Research Paper

Disappearance of Coral Reefs due to Global Climate Change - Research Paper Example The research paper "Disappearance of Coral Reefs due to Global Climate Change" analyzes the sources of a disappearance of coral reefs since the global warming has higher devastating effects on coral reefs across the world. Large parts of coral reefs in various oceans in the world and the marine life supported by them are almost getting wiped away. The increase of temperature on the earth has been caused by green house effects. These are gases that are emitted from industries and later forming a thick layer in the atmosphere. This layer of gases allows ultra-violet rays of the sun to pass through the earth. However, the layer prevents the same rays from escaping after they are reflected by the earth. This leads to rising in global temperatures which according to the scientist, it has currently increased with 1.9 degrees. This has created a devastating long term effect of damaging coral reefs in the oceans. Researchers have indicated that about 7.5 percent of the world’s coral cover has been destroyed by a rise in temperature. Damage to coral reef has also been affected by ocean acidification that results from global warming. Acidification of ocean is caused by absorption of gases released into the atmosphere from various human activities across the world. Currently, due to increased industrial revolution, there is the higher emission of gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen monoxide, and other pollutants into the atmosphere. These gases form acids when mixed with water and in some situations form acid rain.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Religious Belief versus Intellectual Acceptance Essay

Religious Belief versus Intellectual Acceptance - Essay Example Theology is the organizing and systematizing of the doctrines of a religion to make them consistent with each other and relevant to the rest of life. It means the evaluation and correction of doctrine. One doctrine is not just as good as another unless it gives equal expression to the same belief, equal in the sense of being as true to experience and as easy to understand in the terms of its expression. A detached study of doctrines in relation to knowledge as a whole is undertaken in the philosophy of religion (Foster, 2000). Some doctrines do not change with changing a life but remain constant because the aspect of the experience to which they refer remains constant. An example, to be discussed more fully later, is the doctrine of the two natures of Christ. Working with the facts of Jesus' humanity and the conviction of his Deity as well, the Church after rejecting doctrinal formulations expressed in terms of dual personalities, or dual wills, or Divine spirit inhabiting a human body, settled on the doctrine of the two natures; namely, that Christ was fully man and fully God, yet one person (Willard, 2000). The doctrine of the two natures of Christ is held to this day because a better formulation of the central conviction has not been found. And, of course, insofar as there is similarity of belief and culture, there will be similarity of doctrine--hence, the degree of consistency within a particular religion that sets it apart from other religions. For example, in the doctrine of the Trinity--that God is one in three persons--person means something quite different from our contemporary idea of a person. Failure to appreciate this often makes people think that Christianity affirms the existence of three Gods. Or again, Protestants affirm their faith in the "holy Catholic Church," even though for many of them the first association of the word catholic is with the Roman Catholic Church rather than with the universal body of Christian believers, as they really define it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Assessment of risk management perceptions and practices of Essay

Assessment of risk management perceptions and practices of construction contractors in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example ) of Participants List of Figures Figure 1 – Risk Classification Figure 2 – Research Design Acknowledgement I have to mention and give thanks to the people who have provided help and inspiration in making this paper. To Mr. _________ for allowing me to use some of his insights and for giving suggestions; To my family and friends for the support at a time that I almost wanted to give up; And lastly, to Almighty God, for granting me the chance to use time and space to make life exciting and challenging, and student life worth remembering. Contents Title Page No. Author Declaration †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2 Abstract †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 List of Tables †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 List of Figures †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4 Acknowledgement†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 Chapter 1 Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 1.1 Significance of the Study †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 1.2 Problem Statement †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 9 1.3 Aim of the Research †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦,,. 10 1.4 Objectives †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 10 1.5 Justification †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 Chapter 2 Methodology †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 12 2.1 Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 12 2.2 The Methods... This paper will delve on the vast literature on risk management, concepts and definition of risk management, risk assessment, and concepts and theories of value management and value engineering as introduced and practiced in Saudi Arabia construction Industry. Worldwide construction industry declined in performance because of globalization factors and the introduction of innovations. Some factors include weak management, introduction of new technology, sour relationships between stakeholders, and stiff competition. The construction boom in Saudi Arabia was triggered by the discovery of oil and the government’s decision to allocate a big sum of the budget to construction of buildings, airports, hospitals and other government structures. The Saudi construction industry is now one of the largest in the world. It is estimated in 2005 that the industry reached $35 billion. But in 2006, figures reached a staggering $50 billion. The Saudi Ministry of Planning reported that in 2000, t he construction industry accounted for 30-40% of the economy, the second biggest offered by a non-oil sector. The Oxford Business Group reported that the amount of $300 billion was poured in to the economy through various construction projects. The industry contributed much to the increase in the Saudi gross domestic product. In 2005, GDP rose to SR767,749 Million (1$= 3.75SR), and from this 6.7% was attributed to construction, an amount reaching SR51,446 million. The growth for construction reached a level of 6% in 2005.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparimg Rigidising Methods Using Reenforced Material Literature review

Comparimg Rigidising Methods Using Reenforced Material - Literature review Example Glass fibers are more effective in achieving shear strengthening. Various methods can be used in the reinforcement of polymers using carbon or glass fibers. Some of the methods include curing pressure increase and filler incorporation and vacuum infusion. This paper outlines a comparison among the various rigidising methods using reinforced material to increase the general strength of the materials. The electrical conductivity of the materials has also been analyzed [8]. Curing pressure increase and filler incorporation This ridigising method enhances the through-thickness thermal conductivity of carbon fiber polymer-matrix. This method is used to increase heat dissipation by enhancing the low through-thickness thermal conductivity of carbon fiber polymers. The conductivity is normally raised by 60 percent by enhancing the curing pressure from 0.1 to 2.0 MPa and almost by 35 percent by incorporation of a filler. This was reported in an experiment conducted at Composite Materials Rese arch Laboratory in the University of Buffalo [4]. The experiments were conducted to determine the effect of curing pressure and filler incorporation on the mechanical and conductivity properties on a material. The mechanical test was conducted on a 15-lamina crossply composite plate under flexure using a hydraulic mechanical testing procedure. The thermal resistivity (m2 K/W) and the thermal resistant (K/W) were used to report the increase in thermal conductivity of the resultant material after this treatment. The thermal resistivity increased after a raise of the curing pressure from 0.1 to 2 MPa. This resistivity further increased after the filler incorporation [4]. This implies that the thermal conductivity of the material increased after subjecting the material to the two treatments. It was also noted that increasing curing pressure increases the through-thickness thermal conductivity more that the filler incorporation. The experiment revealed that the optimum through-thickness thermal conductivity achieved through the process was 1.5 W/m K. The highest ever recorded value for this form of rigidness enhancement technique is 3.3 W/m K. this does not imply that the process is ineffective or inconsistent. The difference could have aroused due to the process prepreg. The material resistivity and intralaminar fiber-fiber interfacial resistivity are lowered by close to 56 Percent by enhancing the curing pressure and by around 36 percent though the filler incorporation [4]. This further proves that curing pressure increase is more useful in increasing thermal conductivity compared to filler incorporation. Vacuum infusion Vacuum infusion of vinyl ester resin into biaxial knitted glass and carbon fiber complexes enhances the strengths of the materials under tensile and indentation forces. The carbon fiber complexes after this vacuum infusion are mechanically stronger when subjected to loading pressures [7]. The strengths of the carbon fiber material can be proved b y carrying out various tests including tensile strength test, compression strength test, open hole tensile (OHT) strength test and Open hole compression (OHC) strength test. An experiment conducted at the department of mechanical engineering in Lehigh University proved that in deed the mechanical properties of carbon fiber complexes is enhanced through vacuum infusion using vinyl ester resins. In the experiment, the tensile strength

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Boeing 747 Jet Versus the BAe-Aerospatiale Concorde Coursework

The Boeing 747 Jet Versus the BAe-Aerospatiale Concorde - Coursework Example Why build planes so big? The major reason is to carry more people for the same amount of money in the same amount of time, thus creating a profit which is the goal of every big business. The bottom dollar counts and so does the top dollar. But while some lines of big jumbo jets have been successful, other designs have not been so lucky and it is important to understand why one design worked and the other didn’t. For this paper, a study of two plane designs is reviewed: the Boeing 747, a continuously successful company design, now in several versions of the original, and the BAe-Aerospatiale Concorde, now defunct. At the heart of these two planes are the project structures of each and why one was a success and the other a failure. Every product and every service has a project plan that shows goals and how the project is to be managed along the way to the final goal. The truth is that sometimes everything can be well-thought out in a project management plan yet there can be a li ttle monkey wrench thrown into the mix that was never seen or envisioned, and a perfectly designed plan can go right down the drain in a flash (Noland 2012a). The Boeing 747 As commercial airlines began growing in business with more and more people taking to the skies in the 1950s and 1960s, Boeing moved to the forefront in the commercial airlines industry by providing the Boeing 707 in 1958. The 707 carried about 200 passengers and, with an eye towards profits, the concept for the 747 was roughed out which would carry 400 passengers. In fact, the design was initially based on one done for the Air Force’s C-5 military mega-lifter competition between airline designers to see who could build the most efficient heavy-load carrier for that time. While Boeing lost out to Lockheed in the military contest, Pan American Airline’s president Juan Trippe was already looking for a design in a plane that could carry 400 passengers. Boeing just happened to have the right design hand y that could be modified into a 400-passenger commercial plane. Pan Am subsequently ordered 25 747s for $550 million and the project was on (Noland 2012a). The New Boeing 747-8F in Flight Fig. 1(Boeing 2012) The 747 Project As sometimes happens in monumental decisions, the order was in and paid for, yet where to build it was another question that had to be solved quickly. With a plane this size, no current factory was large enough to contain it so one had to be built, and quickly. Time was money and Boeing began a massive building structure in Everett, Washington which would encompass 200 million cubic feet, twice the size of the Houston Astrodome, and would cost twice as much as the fee paid by Pan Am for the planes. Boeing invested $1 billion in constructing the building before even investing in materials to build the plane itself. Already operating at a loss, if the plane as a whole, failed, then so would Boeing (Noland 2012a). Yet the target was the market gain that could be mad e if the plane was successful. It was a huge investment for the future, albeit a somewhat risky one when considering how much in debt Boeing began with in terms of the project cost.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

CP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CP - Essay Example Person-centred nursing is one factor that can foster the championing of collaborative practice, but as it is evident today, it lacks in nursing due to limiting factors such as ritualistic and routine nursing. This study will suggest means of championing future person-centred interprofessional collaborative practice based on rituals/routines and person- centeredness and as the central themes. As McCormack, Dewing, and McCance (2011, n.p.) define person-centred nursing, â€Å"it is an approach to practice that is established through the formation and fostering of therapeutic relationships between all care providers, patients, and others significant to them. Orchard, Curran, and Kabene (2005, p.2) highlight organizational structuralism, power relationships, and role socialization as factors creating potential barriers to collaborative nursing. They therefore suggest that traditional routines where nurses are directed and controlled should be alternated with supportive environments. In short, nurses should be able to air their views, consult with patients, and be part of the decision-making bodies (Hall &Roussel 2012, p.154). On matters of power imbalances, teamwork should be supported by scraping the organizational cultures where rather than work as teams, health professionals identify with their â€Å"common† groups and this clogs their ability to consider the per spectives and opinions of others (Reeves, Lewin, Espin, &Zwarenstein 2011, p.89). This not only affects the professionals, but the patients and the organization at large. In addressing this, collaboration should be instilled within healthcare contexts by shifting focus on cooperation rather than on competition as nursing is defined as a practice based on discipline (Black 2013, p.63). Therefore, nurses should realize that their focus is more on patient wellbeing than their own personal gains. Collaborative nursing practice, again, can be through creating an understanding

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Entry Mode of Asian Pacific Breweries Essay Example for Free

Entry Mode of Asian Pacific Breweries Essay Singapore: Asian Pacific Breweries first started out in Singapore as a Joint-Venture between Heineken International and Fraser and Neave in the year 1931 and is first known as Malayan Breweries Limited. New Zealand: Asian Pacific Breweries made a 50-50 joint-venture with DB Breweries Ltd which was previously known as DB Group Ltd which is one of the two main brewers in New Zealand and also provides contract packaging services. Cambodia: Asian Pacific Breweries formed a joint-venture with Progress Import and Export which formed Cambodia Brewery Ltd in recognizing that there is a strong beer culture in Cambodia with impressive growth prospect. It was also the first foreign investment to be approved by the Cambodia Investment Board. China: Asian Pacific Brewery formed a 50-50 joint venture with its shareholders, Fraser and Neave, Limited and Heineken in China known as Heineken-APB (China). HAPBC also wholly owns sales and distribution arm of Heineken Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd and holds 21% interests in Kingway Brewery Holdings Ltd and 49% stake Jiangsu DaFuHao Breweries Co. Ltd. Laos: Asian Pacific Breweries opened a brewery in Laos through a joint venture with the Government of Laos and SBK Consultant Ltd on the 12 March 2008. LAPB also imports and distributes Heineken in Laos as the brewery does not produce Heineken beer. Malaysia: Guinness Anchor Bhd was a result of the merger of Guinness Malaysia Bhd and Malayan Sdn Bhd whose parent company is the current Asian Pacific Brewery. Mongolia: Asian Pacific has also formed a 55-45 joint venture with MCS Holdings LLC on 19 June 2007. The company of the joint venture, MCS-Asia Pacific Brewery LLC is five hectares large and is located in Mongolia’s capital city, Ulaanbaatar. Thailand: Asian Pacific Breweries entered Thailand, where the beer consumption is amongst the highest in Asia to form a joint-venture with Thai Life Insurance Company Limited and Thai Pure Drinks Company Limited. The brewery first started brewing only Heineken beer in 1995 and slowly adding the other famous brands from Asian Pacific Breweries to cater to the different consumers in Thailand. Acquisition Indonesia: Asia Pacific Brewery has acquired its place in the beer industry in Indonesia through PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk (MBI). MBI is a key brewery in Indonesia and is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. New Caledonia: Asia Pacific Brewery holds a 87. 3% stake with New Caledonia via Grande Brasserie de Nouvelle Caledonie (GBNC). GBNC is a resulted from the merger of 2 companies and now the sole brewery of New Caledonia. Papau New Guinea: Asia Pacific Brewery acquired a stake of South Pacific Brewery Ltd in 1955. SPB is the sole brewery in Papua New Guinea since 1983 and oversees 2 plants. Sri Lanka: In September 2005, Asia Pacific Brewery has acquired a 60% stake in Asia Pacific Brewery (Lanka) Limited. It was done with a partnership with Sri Lankan-based Anandappa family group and associates and MBL Offshore Limited which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pheonix Beverages Limited, a leading beverage group from Mauritius. Vietnam: Asian Pacific Brewery has a 60% stakes in Vietnam Brewery Ltd which is started is 1993 and equipped with the fastest, biggest and most advance canning line in Vietnam. India: Asia Pacific Brewery also acquired a 76% stake in India’s Aurangabad Breweries in 2006. Wholly owned Vietnam: Asian Pacific not only acquired a brewery in Vietnam, it also has a wholly owned brewery of its own based in Vietnam. Asian Pacific Brewery (Hanoi) is commissioned in October 2003 and it supplies Vietnam of its Tiger Beer, Anchor Beer and Heineken. Asia Pacific has mostly joint ventures in their businesses in other countries. This might because Asia Pacific Brewery has taken into consideration of the improvements of efficiency through the combined efforts and strengths of the other companies. Also, APB will be able to benefit from the local knowledge of the host country as they will be working with people from there to share and gain more knowledge. Having a joint venture business also means lower risks as costs are shared amongst the partners. APB also gained entry into other countries using the acquisition method. This might be because it a less risky for countries that are not yet very stable and also it is quicker to get into the business.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Why China Is A Threat To India History Essay

Why China Is A Threat To India History Essay 1. The Chinese leadership believes that conflict is due largely to the rapacious role of the adversary, and that in this zero-sum context the application of violence is highly efficacious for dealing with the enemy. These assumptions generally translate into preference for offensive strategies followed by progressively less coercive ones, where accommodation is ranked last. This makes conflict over territory and other core interests of the Chinese regime and the PLA highly likely if the other state refuses to accommodate to Chinese goals.1 2. The Chinese defence white paper for the year 2008 critically analyses the world security situation and clearly brings out Chinas willingness to play a major role in international affairs. China also gives out its military policy as that of active defence, which means that China can launch a pre emptive if the need be so. The white paper also gives out probable reasons as to why would China go on war with any nation. The white paper states World peace and development are faced with multiple difficulties and challenges. Struggles for strategic resources, strategic locations and strategic dominance have intensified. Meanwhile, hegemonism and power politics still exist, regional turmoil keeps spilling over, hotspot issues are increasing, and local conflicts and wars keep emerging. 2 The reasons for likely struggle (conflicts) as given in the white paper in context of India are being analysed below: (a) Strategic Resources. Strategic resources in Indian context which could affect Sino-Indian relations could be water, natural gas, oil, exploration rights over sea and in other continents/ nations. The Chinese ambitious plan to divert river Brahmaputra before it enters India could be potential cause of conflict. Moreover, China views water of the yarlem Tsangpo (Brahmaputra) as an important natural resource, especially for its North Western provinces. Chinas dependence on imported oil will continue to rise and it is assessed that by 2010, it will be importing 61% of its oil requirements and by 2020, the figure will rise to 76.9%. Indias oil imports by 2020 are likely to be 91.6%. 3 majority of Chinas oil (about 54% ) 4 is imported from the African continent whereas majority of Indian oil imports are from the middle east countries. Chinas oil imports will have to cross the Indian ocean, where Indian Navy has the potential and capability to interdict these strategic supplies. China v iews this as a major weakness and is trying to counter balance the Indian Navy by its string of pearl policy. Especially the port that China is developing at Gwadar in Pakistan could provide China a base from where Indian oil supplies could be threatened. Chinese participation in anti piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden, could provide the PLAN experience of conducting operations far away from the mainland. This could come in handy especially in keeping the threats from Indian Navy at bay in case of a conflict. (b) Strategic Locations. Chinas perceived strategic frontiers can be said to include the Indian Ocean and the Malacca straits to the South West, South China Sea, the East China sea, in addition to the current territorial boundaries and claimed justification over the aforementioned territories. 5 As interests between India and China clash in these regions, conflicts cannot be ruled out. China also views Central Asian Republics as important and strategic locations due to the enormous amount of gas reserves there. China has also made efforts to establish its presence in a manner so as to secure its sea lanes of communications, import gas through pipelines avoiding shipment through Indian Ocean where India can influence Chinese shipping, and also to acquire strategic bases such as Gwadar in Pakistan, Coco islands to be able to establish strategic naval capabilities. The reaons for conflict with India will keep increasing wherever interests clash. (c) Strategic Dominance. China views itself as one of the major powers in the world and the leading power in Asia. Mr Barak Obama termed it as the leader amongst Asian countries during his maiden visit to China. China also aspires to be a powerful nation second to none. In the Chinese quest for greatness Chinese analysts feel that two nations, Japan and India could be hindrances in its road to greatness. Japan because of the overbearing legacy from history and India due to its differences with China. The Tibet Issue 3. China invaded and captured Tibet in 1956. Indian opinion about Chinese occupation of Tibet has changed over a period of time and India now recognises Tibet as a part of China. However, Chinese still feel that India through the Dalai Lama tries to bring to fore the Tibet issue. Notwithstanding, Indias support to China during the anti China protests by Tibetans in the run up to the previous Olympics, Chinas mistrust of India has never diminished and could be used as an ostensible cause for conflict against India by China. Territorial Dispute 4. Today the line of actual control by both sides in the in the eastern sector conforms to the McMahon Line. The disputed area between the pre-1914 outer line and the McMahon Line covers a total area of 90,000 square kilometers. According to China this area comprises Tibets three districts of Monyul, Loyul and Lower Zayul; and according to India, this area is its Arunachal Pradesh. In the western sector, the line of actual control runs roughly along the Karakoram Range, conforming to the Chinese claim. The Indian Government however, claims that the boundary runs along the Kunlun range from the Karakoram pass. The disputed area is the Aksai Chin region between the two ranges, covering a total area of about 33,000 square Kilometers. This area falls mainly in Chinas Xinjiang and Part of it belongs to the Ari district of Tibet. The Indian government claims that it is part of its Ladakh area of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This area is sparsely inhabited, serving only as the traffic ar tery linking Xinjiang with Tibet. The unresolved border dispute has been an irritant in Indo China relations and can be a potential cause of conflict in future. Recent Diplomatic Struggles 5. Chinas recent reactions over Indian prime ministers visit to Arunachal Pradesh, Dalai Lamas visit to the same place and issuing visa to Indian Kashmiris on a separate paper have been seen has diplomatic offensives by China to contain India. Analysts feel that China could be looking for reasons to launch a swift political offensive against India in future to resolve the border issues in its favour. China has resolved its border disputes with those counties which are relatively weaker. 6 It could be deduced that China wants to resolve its disputes with other nations from a strong position so as to gain an advantageous deal. Moreover, normalisation of relations with Taiwan offers China the flexibility to switch forces from its Eastern borders to the borders neighbouring India. China Pakistan Nexus 6. China has been helping Pakistan militarily and in nuclear technology to develop a foil for India and to contain India in South Asian region. Export of military technology and hardware and clandestine support to Pakistan in for developing strategic weapons such as missiles and nuclear weapons flouting all international norms is seen as an effort to dilute Indias military potential. China does not at present wish to see any tensions on its borders with India. But at the same time, its approach to our sub-continental neighbours and our friends in ASEAN indicates that it will spare no effort to contain India strategically. Its actions like continuing assistance for Pakistans nuclear and missile programmes are quite evidently a part of this policy. 7 Insecurity of the Chinese Leadership 7. China is an economic success story but its leadership is highly insecure. The Chinese government under the communist party has every reason to feel confident. Yet, a Chinese professor, Liu Xiabao, was recently jailed for eleven years, just because he publicly advocated freedom of expression and an end to one-party rule in China. 8 Such incidents, human rights conditions, lack of freedom to press, media and internet in China, the Tiananmen incident etc indicate that Chinese communist leadership does feel highly insecure of any uprising against it. Further, India is the country that is spoken of most often as an enemy in China. 9 The leadership may resort to drastic acts such as annexation of Taiwan or an attack on India to divert public attention, if it is cornered by a popular movement in China against the Communist party. End Notes 1. Sujit Dutta, Chinas emerging Power and Military role: Implications for South Asia p 94 2. Chinese White Paper on National Defence; Year 2008, downloaded from on 24 Sep 09 at 1500 h 3. Commander PK Ghosh, The Maritime Dimensions of Indias Energy Security calculus, p 33 4. Vice Admiral Raja Menon in his speech at DSSC on Dec 09 5. Ashok Kapur, China and Proliferation: Implications for India p 405 6. Kondanpalli Sreekanth in his lecture at DSSC Wellington on Nov 09 7. Kondanpalli Sreekanth in his lecture at DSSC Wellington on Nov 09 8. Ian Burma, The Times of India, Bangalore, 16 Jan 10 9. Downloaded from on 28 Sep at 0900 h

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Alexander Pope Essay on Man :: essays research papers

Alexander Pope was born May 21, 1688, in London. His father was a cloth merchant living in London, both his parents were Catholic. It was a period of intense anti-Catholic sentiment in England, and at some point Alexander's family was forced to relocate to be in compliance with a statute forbidding Catholics from living within ten miles of London or Westminster. They moved to Binfield Berkshire where Pope's early education was affected by his Catholicism. The Catholic schools were illegal but, they were allowed to survive in some places. Prior to his move to Binfield Pope spent a year at Twofold, where he wrote "a satire on some faults of his master," which led to him being whipped and beaten until he became ill. Then once again he was taken from his family. Alexander went to study with Thomas Deane, a convert to Catholicism who lost his position at Oxford as a result of his religious beliefs. After the Pope family moved to Bin field Alexander became self-taught. Pope's disease apparently tuberculosis of the bone became evident when he was about twelve. Later in Pope's life, Sir Joshua Reynolds described him as "about four feet six high; very humpbacked and deformed. Pope was also afflicted with constant headaches, sometimes so severe that he could barely see the paper he wrote upon, frequent violent pain at bone and muscle joints shortness of breath, increasing inability to ride horses or even walk for exercise. William Wycherley, impressed by some of Pope's early poetry, introduced him into fashionable London literary circles in 1704. Public attention came with the publication of Pastorals in 1709. The Rape of the Lock helped secure Pope's reputation as a leading poet of the age. Pope moved Twickenham in 1717 there he received visitors just about everyone, attacked his literary contemporaries although notable exceptions were Swift and Gay, with whom he had close friendships and continued to publish poetry. He died May 21, 1744 at Twickenham Village. He wrote a poem called the Essay of a Man in 1733-1734) Pope examined the human condition against Miltonic, cosmic background. Although Pope's perspective is well above our everyday life, and he does not hide his wide knowledge, the dramatic work suggest than humankind is a part of nature and the diversity of living forms each beast, each insect, happy in its own.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Chosen, My name is Asher Lev, In the Beginning, and The Book of Lights :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Assimilation and the American Jew in Potok’s The Chosen, My name is Asher Lev, In the Beginning, and The Book of Lights.  Ã‚  Ã‚   America has always been a country of immigrants, since it was first settled by Europeans over five hundred years ago.   Like any country with a considerable immigrant population, American has always faced the problem of assimilation.   Because America was founded and settled by immigrants, her culture is a combination of the cultures of other countries. Should these immigrants isolate themselves from the mainstream American culture, or should they sacrifice the culture of their homelands for the benefits American culture has to offer?   Judaism in particular has had to deal with the assimilation question.   One of the world’s oldest religions, it has remained strong over its six thousand year history by remaining distinct – and isolated – from other cultures. Chaim Potok focuses on how Orthodox and Hasidic Jews have handled this problem in his books The Chosen, My name is Asher Lev, In the Beginning, and The Book of Lights. Many of Chaim Potok’s characters want the American Jewry to remain isolated from the mainstream American culture: The world kills us! The world flays our skin from our bodies and throws us into the flames! The world laughs at Torah! And if it does not kill us, it tempts us! It misleads us! It contaminates us! It asks us to join in its ugliness, its abominations! (The Chosen 127)  Ã‚   The Chosen â€Å"deals with the problems Jews have faced in trying to preserve their heritage – in particular, the problem of how to deal with the danger of assimilation† (Young). The Jews have always been professionals occupying jobs in medicine, law, education, and other fields requiring a college degree. American Jews, however, face a dilemma: â€Å"Ideas from this secular world inevitably impinge upon an individual born in a church community or a synagogue community, especially when that individual embarks on a college experience† (Potok 2). American Jews must either take on nonprofessional jobs, assuming an identity completely different from that of European Jews, or expose themselves to secular America. Isolation is thoroughly impractical for the American Jew. Chaim Potok’s works often focus on main characters whose talents draw them to the outside world:    When individuals are brought up in the heart of such a community or culture [as Danny’s and Reuven’s did in The Chosen] they learn to commit themselves to its values †¦ They see the world through the system of values of that unique community.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Understanding Ourselves in the Age of the Internet Essay -- Sherry Tur

Understanding Ourselves in the Age of the Internet In her book, Life on Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet, author Sherry Turkle explains the effect technology has on the way individuals view themselves, and how this relates to the growth of postmodernist thinking. According to Turkle, the rapid expansion of network technology, specifically the Internet, is responsible for introducing millions of people to new spaces and ways of interactivity with one another. This revolutionary method for relating to others is swiftly changing how we view our minds, our sexual interactions, the forms of our communities, and even our own identities (Turkle 9). In the excerpts selected for our class reading, Turkle cites Internet communication technology such as chat rooms, MUDs (Multi-User Domains) and IRC (Internet Relay Chat) as the basis for the further exploration of our identities because, "it is on the Internet that our confrontations with technology as it collides with our sense of human identity are fresh, even raw. In the real-time communities of cyber space, we are dwellers on the threshold between the real and virtual, unsure of our footing, inventing ourselves as we go along" (Turkle 10). As we invent new identities in order to harmonize with the changing frontiers of technology and society, our culture moves from the modernist idea of calculation to a postmodern concept of simulation (Turkle 20). To understand the difference between the postmo dernist impact on contemporary thought as opposed to the modernist view, it is important to hold a basic understanding of both ideas. Modernist thought is difficult to accurately define - the gradual evolution of philosophy makes it hard to determine how long modernism has ex... ...l life and what is considered computer simulation. After all, most chat users argue, "why grant such superior status to the self that has the body when the selves that don't have bodies are able to have different kinds of experiences?" (Turkle 14). The technological culture of simulation is gradually affecting the way we view our minds as well as our bodies, and a majority of mainstream computer programs are designed with this postmodern influence in mind. Rather than expecting to program aptitude directly into their computers, programmers now believe it is the interaction of smaller subprograms to each other that can create a greater intelligence. The relation of these programs to each other may become too complex to properly define or completely understand, but so are our brains - and this never prevented them from functioning competently (Turkle 20).

Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation

In this essay I intend to analyse the attachment theory of well-known British psychiatrist Dr John Bowlby. I will examine both the primary and secondary research behind the theory and look at some of the arguments against it before going on to explore the impact Bowlby’s research has had on the early years setting. Edward John Mostyn Bowlby was born in London on February 26th 1907 to a fairly upper-middle class family. His parents were of the belief that too much parental affection would in fact spoil a child and therefore spent very little time with him, as little as one hour per day.His primary care-giver was the family nanny until, when he was four years old, the nanny left. Bowlby later described this as being: â€Å"as tragic as the loss of a mother† (www. mentalhelp. net/poc/view_doc. php? type=doc;id=10104;cn=28) He was then sent away to boarding school at the age of seven. It is therefore entirely comprehensible that he became increasingly sensitive to childrenà ¢â‚¬â„¢s suffering and how it appeared to be connected to their future mental health. Bowlby began his study at Trinity College Cambridge where he studied psychology.He excelled academically and spent time working with delinquent children. He then went on to study medicine at University College Hospital and enrolled in the Institute of Psychoanalysis. Upon his graduation he began working at Maudesley Hospital as a psychoanalyst. It was while studying medicine that he volunteered in a children’s residential home and began to develop his interest in children who appeared to him to be emotionally disturbed. While working in the residential home he encountered two particular children who intrigued him.The first of these was a very isolated, affectionless teenager who had no permanent, stable mother figure and the second was a young boy of seven or eight who followed Bowlby around constantly. This led him to speculate that there was a possible link between a child’s mental health problems and their early childhood experiences. It was generally believed by many early theorists that the need to make a bond with a mother or mother substitute was part of our ‘biological inheritance’ and Bowlby’s experience and observations lead him to whole-heartedly agree.The resulting body of work and research carried out by Bowlby became known as the attachment theory. It was his firm belief that babies are ‘biologically programmed’ to be dependant on their mother. He went so far as to say that there was a ‘critical period’ in a child’s life from birth to age three where the child would be irreparably damaged psychologically by a prolonged absence from the mother. He referred to this absence as ‘maternal deprivation’. He wrote in his book, first published in 1953; Prolonged breaks (in the mother-child relationship) during the first three years of life leave a characteristic impression on the childâ€℠¢s personality. Such children appear emotionally withdrawn and isolated and consequently have no friendships worth the name† (pg 39, Bowlby J. Child Care and the Growth of Love, 1974) While working at the Child Guidance Clinic in London in the 30s and 40s Bowlby began to suspect that not only was a child’s mental health affected by the lack of bond with their mother but there may well be a correlation between delinquent behaviour in children and ‘maternal deprivation’.This led him to carry out his own study between 1936 and 1939 to try and prove this to be the case. The resulting scientific paper was published in 1946 and entitled 44 Juvenile Thieves. The study involved Bowlby selecting 88 children from the clinic. Of this group of children 44 had been referred to him for theft and 44 had been referred due to emotional problems. Half the children in each group were aged between five and eleven years of age and the other half were between twelve and sixteen. There were thirty-one boys and thirteen girls in the first group and thirty-four boys and ten girls in the second.The two groups were roughly matched for age and IQ. On arrival at the clinic, each child had their IQ tested by a psychologist and at the same time a parent was interviewed by a social worker to establish and record details of the child’s early life. Bowlby, the psychiatrist at the clinic, then conducted an initial interview with the child and parent. The 3 professionals then met to compare notes. Bowlby then went on to conduct a series of further interviews with the child and/or parent over the next few onths to gather more in-depth information about the history of the child, specifically in their early years. Bowlby considered his findings to be entirely conclusive. Of the 44 thieves Bowlby diagnosed 32% as ‘affectionless psychopaths’. He described this condition as involving a lack of emotional development in the children, leading to a lack of con cern for others, a lack of guilt and an inability to form meaningful and/or lasting relationships. Bowlby concluded that this condition was the precise reason why these children were capable of stealing.His speculation was further strengthened when he discovered that 86% of the children with affectionless psychopathy had experienced a long period of maternal deprivation in the first five years of their lives. They had spent the majority of their early years either in institutions or in hospital with little or no visitation from their parents. Interviews also showed that the majority of these children had been undemonstrative and unresponsive since approximately two years of age. Only 17% of the thieves who were not diagnosed as affectionless psychopaths had experienced maternal deprivation in the early years.Of the second group not one child proved to be affectionless and only two of them had experienced prolonged maternal separation. Bowlby concluded in the resulting paper; â€Å" There is a very strong case indeed for believing that prolonged separation of a child from his mother (or mother substitute) during the first five years of life stands foremost among the causes of delinquent character development† [Bowlby J. pg 41] Many have however argued that Bowlby’s findings were not reliable. It has been suggested that as the study was carried out retrospectively this may have tainted the results.It is possible that the parents or the children had not recalled events accurately or indeed that they had not responded truthfully to questioning in order to put themselves in a better light. Michael Rutter suggested in 1981 that some of the children in the study had never had a mother figure at all so their delinquency was not due to maternal deprivation but rather to ‘privation’ of any sort of loving attachment. Bowlby looked at research done by others which could support his own findings. He examined both animal studies done by Hinde and H arlow and Lorenz as well as child studies.He noted in particular the work of Rene Spitz and Katharine Wolf. Spitz and Wolf had observed 123 babies during the first few years of their lives while they were being looked after by their own mothers who were in prison. When the babies were between 6-8 months old their mothers were moved elsewhere within the prison for a period of three months and the babies were cared for by others inmates. Spitz and Wolf noted that the babies lost their appetite, cried more often and failed to thrive during this period of separation. Once the babies were returned to their mothers their behaviour returned to what it had been previous to the separation.These results certainly appeared to support Bowlby’s hypothesis however others disagreed. In Czechoslovakia in 1972 Koluchova wrote of twin boys who had suffered extreme deprivation. Their mother had died soon after the boys were born and their father struggled to cope on his own. At eleven months of age the boys were taken into care and were considered to be normal, healthy children. A few months later their father remarried and at the age of eighteen months the twins returned to their fathers care. Unfortunately the father worked away from home a great deal and their step-mother treated the boys horribly.They were beaten, given very little food, made to sleep on a plastic sheet on the floor and sometimes locked away in the cellar. This continued for five and a half years and when the boys were examined at the age of seven they were found to be severely mentally and physically retarded. The twins were hospitalised until they were able to be placed in a special school for mentally disturbed children. They coped well with their schooling and went on to be fostered by a very affectionate, kind lady and in her care they blossomed.By the age of 15 the boys IQ was normal for their age and their emotional health had improved immensely. Koluchova’s work would appear to demonstr ate that it is in fact possible for a child to recover from maternal deprivation in their early years if they are given the love, support and security required later in their childhood and that the results of maternal deprivation need not be permanent. Schaffer and Emerson also disputed Bowlby’s findings and argued that, although an infant needed to form a bond, children could form multiple attachments and they could benefit greatly from the attention of the extended family.They performed a study in Glasgow in 1964 where they observed 60 children from birth – eighteen months. They met with the mothers once a month and interviewed them to ascertain who the infant was smiling at, who they responded to etc. They found that many of the infants were forming numerous attachments. Twenty of the children studied were not attached to their mothers but to another adult, in some cases the father and in others another family member or even a neighbour. Schaffer states; â€Å"Ther e is, we must conclude, nothing to indicate any biological need for an exclusive primary bond† [Davenport G.C. pg 38] In 1950 the World Health Organisation, who had been following Bowlby’s work closely, commissioned him to write a report on the mental health of homeless children in post-war Europe. While researching the report Bowlby visited several countries and met with many childcare professionals and experts giving him the opportunity to look further into his theory on attachment and the importance of a strong bond between mother and child. His findings supported his thinking entirely and the report was written in six months and published in 1951, entitled Maternal Care and Mental Health.Bowlby went on to publish further papers and books and his findings and research on attachment and the mother child bond has had a profound impact on childcare in general and that of the early years setting. As Juliet Mickleburgh states in her article Attachment Theory and the Key P erson Approach â€Å"Bowlby's research is recognised as the foundation for our understanding of the centrality of making secure attachments in infancy. † [Juliet Mickleburgh, www. eyfs. info] There have been numerous changes to childcare practice since the 1940s and Bowlby’s influence must be acknowledged.It can be no coincidence that ‘family allowance’ was introduced in 1946 in the UK, the same year 44 Juvenile Thieves was published, making it affordable for mothers to stay at home with their children. Bowlby made a plea for reforms in the care of young children in hospital and advocated ‘rooming in’ where the baby stays with mother from birth in the maternity ward. Although some children’s hospitals were already extending visitation rights of parents many more followed their lead after the publication of Bowlby’s W. H. O report, ensuring that the mother/child bond remained as strong as possible.In the early years setting we hav e witnessed the implementation of the ‘Key Person Approach’ pioneered by Elinor Goldschmied. This approach recognises that an infant will be comforted by a secure relationship with one specific adult. We can now see this in practice in the nursery, each child has their own ‘Key Worker’ who has the duty of monitoring the child’s needs and development. This approach also accepts the need for parents and early years practitioners to work together rather than independently and the key worker regularly liaises with the parents regarding their child.Parents are also encouraged to become actively involved with the life of the nursery and to work in partnership with the nursery staff to provide their child with a positive, stable and stimulating learning environment. In my view as a parent and an early years practitioner I believe that Bowlby’s research has benefitted both children and families immensely. As a mother I feel that society supports my ri ght to be at home with my children until they go to school and that I am the child’s most vital resource in their early years, not only for nourishment but for their emotional development.To echo the words of John Major, Bowlby laid the foundation for mothers in the 21st century to go ‘back to basics’. As a practitioner I believe that the implementation of the ‘key person approach’ can be immensely beneficial for both the child and the parent. The child knows that there is always someone there to whom they can turn if necessary and the parent knows that there will always be someone looking out for their child in the setting and that he/she is being given the attention and care of a trained adult in their absence.I have witnessed first-hand in the nursery how a child who is upset by the departure of their mother can be comforted by the attention of their key worker. I have also observed how the key workers are constantly monitoring the children to pin point any needs, to witness the achievement of developmental milestones and to document this for the parents in the form of the Personal Learning Plan, a written and photographic record of the child’s achievements within the setting.In conclusion, although there have been arguments against Bowlby’s research methods many professionals agreed with his findings regarding the importance of a secure attachment in the early years. These findings, and undoubtedly those of others in the field, have led to positive reforms in childcare. As we progress through the 21st century women are feeling the need, either for financial reasons or the belief that they too have the right to work, I find myself asking will society continue to regard the bond between a mother and her child as paramount or will ‘maternal deprivation’ increase and society as a whole be damaged as a result?Bibliography www. mentalhelp. net/poc/view_doc. php? type=doc;id=10104;cn=28 Bowlby J. 1953. Ch ild Care and the Growth of Love, 2nd ed, England, Pelican Books Davenport G. C 1994. An Introduction to Child Development, 2nd ed, London, Collins Educational www. eyfs. info/articles/article. php? Attachment-Theory-and-the-Key-Person-Approach-66 .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Smileys people, spy game

â€Å"In the world of espionage the value of trust Is paramount† represents a valid statement to an extent. The characters values and Ideologies are a reflection of the context of which they live. The novel Smiley people by John Lee Care, the movie Spy Game, directed by Tony Scott and the Interview Kim Billy's great betrayal presented by Phillip Adams represent this statement through different portrayals of the world of espionage. These three texts exhibit a power struggle between communist and western democratic societies, both very different political ideologies.The world of espionage is fraught with manipulation, betrayal and deceit and aiming to achieve the â€Å"greater good†. It is a world where its inhabitants will do anything – even if it means performing acts that are seen criminal by mainstream society – Just to complete a mission. It Is a world where information is gold and an important document Is worth more than a persons life. Trust sustains a relationship In the spy world, a relationship that allows communication and control of knowledge and power. The spy world demonstrates a context where trust Is a value, not valued by all who inhabit this world.For spies that â€Å"play the spy game† they have to have trust in those that control their missions and must have trust in themselves, to be able to get the job done. But for others such as defectors and double agents trust is tool used to get information and used to manipulate and gain power over the opposing side. A clash between the personal and the professional values is seen in Tony Scoots Spy Game, through the character of Tom Bishop. It is shown in the scene where Bishop must bring Schmidt across the border from east to west Germany. When Bishop andSchmidt realism that they will get killed if they attempt to cross the border, Schmidt pleads with Bishop to take him â€Å"But my wife, my kids†. When Schmidt says this we can see Bishops realization that Sc hmidt Is human and not just an expendable pawn, or an asset. This clash between the personal and professional values of Bishop challenges his moral outlook on life. However in order to stay alive and protect himself he must leave Schmidt, whys trust he has manipulated for use of his own organization and his own professional gain. Whilst having to trust someone who may be doing the same thing to him.The context has had an effect on the values of Bishop, his values compromised by the situation he has been placed in. The choice to leave Schmidt behind to die was not a choice that Bishop would have made on his own accord, yet he has had to. This is a direct result of his immediate context, which has forced a re-evaluation of his values. The value of trust one that all spies must have, has turned bishop against his personal humanity and has set him to achieve what Is seen as the greater good, to leave Schmidt because he Is less Important.The trust placed In agents to carry out the Nilsso n that they are assigned with Is a tepee for agencies to take in process of completing the mission. The agents who are to best that they should or mess it up completely, it is in these times that the value of trust is seen to be most paramount. An example in Tony Scoots Spy game is when Bishop is sent to manipulate the doctor to have the sheik assassinated however he let down Mir and he didn't get there in time so Mir had sent in a suicide bomber to blow the apartment building.Bishop had played on Emir's trust and let him down, after the explosion Bishop asks Mir if he's happy with the outcome â€Å"Seventy four casualties and an entire apartment block leveled, one dead terrorist. Yeah IM happy' is the reply from Mir. In this statement we can see the stark contrast in perspectives of success and the values required in order to obtain this success. Seventy four casualties for one terrorist is a high price to pay, but it shows that Mir is more about getting the Job done, and working for the greater good as he believes that their sacrifice is better than one terrorist living.Mir throughout the book is a representation of freedom pictured almost always with the American flag which is a presentation of the values upheld by the county and the values that he upholds within himself driving him to become better as a spy, the flag is a symbol of the trust placed in him by his superiors working in the CIA and other government organizations it is because of this trust and expectation that Mir pursues his missions to the fullest extend as he is not a person to those who trust in him down. George Smiley on the other hand, an old school spy born and raised in a democratic society.Stuck in his ways as a spy is more wary about who to trust. Smiley is enraged with the circus or MUM for breaking their promise to protect Vladimir. This trust that Smiley had placed in MUM, much like that of Mir in Bishop, is broken. Smiley must now take matters into his own hands not sure who to trust but close friends. To find the truth is what fuels Smiley search for the mystery behind the death of his old friend Vladimir. Smiley is a perfect representation of a mans internal struggle of conflicting values, and he must overcome the conflict to get to the bottom of the case an bring down Karl.The conflicting values is depicted in the quote â€Å"Wrestling with troubled dreams†. Smiley eventually through internal conflicts of morals and values rings down Karl. Smiley disregards this as a victory as he had compromised values precious to him, he sees the victory as double edged the fact he caught his man but had to give up who he is to do this his views on the sanctity of human life differ from those of Mir, Smiley is seen throughout the novel to try and save people like Castrato's and not to let them die.His use of manipulation and deceit was what had allowed him to get the information he needed, but has left him feeling dejected that his morals and values have become irrelevant in order to achieve the greater good. Deception is the way of the spy and most of them have used methods of this nature to obtain information and as a way of being able to use people we see this in the interview â€Å"Elliot deceived by Kim Philly' Elliot was one of Philips friends inside MUM and the trust that he showed in Philly was the weak link in the relationship.Although some spies might consider the morals behind their actions on the other end of the scale there are those that don't have moral and will use trust for their own gain and take advantage of those closest to them. These are the people that totally n the novel Smiley People would be something along the lines of a evil master mind set to take smiley out at all costs. Karl however isn't, he has mixed his personal with professional because of the love for his daughter.Trust in the spy world is complicated due to the fact that everything is to be kept secret from each other, so how are you supposed to trust someone whilst they aren't telling you everything that they know. This is where trust comes into play, to be able to trust someone and their Judgment of what is right whilst figuring out for themselves what their values and morals say is right is what the fullest extend of the rust in the world of espionage.Trust in the spy world isn't at a constant in different contexts, situations, different people and agents will all see trust in a different light, and of different importance. Trust is what keeps agents alive to able to trust yourself at any time to do what is best for those around you and to trust those around you that they have your back. Yet there is no difference in those fighting and working for the greater good and those working against trust is recognized as a necessity and a value needed to be able to compete in the spy game.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Characterization of Pheonix Jackson Essay

Eudora Welty, in her character Phoenix Jackson, creates humanity’s counterpart of the phoenix firebird from oriental tradition. Although Phoenix Jackson can not lay claim to the immortality manifested by consuming fiery rebirths (as does the mythological bird), she possesses a fiery spirit and is consumed by love for her grandchild. Ana4rzing the character of Phoenix is pleasurable because the characteristics of her â€Å"roundness† are primarily positive, static traits. She is tenacious, confident, wise, and resolute with a clear sense of purpose which guides her fearlessly toward her goal. One word can summarize Phoenix‑‑noble. Even in the one situation when the reader sees Phoenix being sly, her slyness is immediately forgivable. Her slyness is a minor negative characteristic in comparison to her innumerable positive ones and is not a conflicting quality. It is, instead, justifiable in light of the pureness of her motivation‑‑love. Ihe similarities of the phoenix bird and Phoenix Jackson are readily apparent in the author’s physical description of Phoenix; â€Å"†¦her head tied in a red rag,† â€Å"†¦a golden color ran underneath,† and â€Å"†¦a yellow burning under the dark†(457). Further confirming the parable between the woman and the bird is the cornme made by Phoenix at the spring, â€Å"Sweetgum makes the water sweet’ (459). (Sweet‑gum K supposedly, the firebird’s source of nourishment) Since it is obvious that Ms. Welty has made these comparisons, it is noteworthy that the phoenix, in addition to symbolizing immortality, is said to be a good and wonderful bird, possessing qualities not unlike the eagle’s: nobility and powers of endurance. Phoenix Jackson shares these same qualities. Phoenix Jackson is an old Negro woman (456). Being black and female in Natchez, Nfississippi, any time prior to 1963 was particularly treacherous. Since Phoenix refers to the â€Å"Surrender,† the reader knows that she lived during and after the Civil War. This fact confirms that society afforded her little respect. Indeed, the majority ofwhite people would have considered her little more than an animal. However, an investigation of Phoeribes interaction with other (obviously white) characters in the story proves that her noble character commands respect despite her age, race, and sex. For exam ­ple, when the hunter points his gun at her, Phoenix responds by standing firm and facing him straight on. The hunter’s respect is evident in this comment, ‘Well, Granny, you must be a hundred years old and scared of nothing’ (460). Fur ­thermore, when the elegant lady on the street stoops to tie Phoerlik’s shoes, the reader sees Phoenik’s commanding, noble character at work. In fact, it would appear that out of a crowd of people, Phoenix actually chooses this one particu ­lar woman to lace up her shoes: She paused quietly on the sidewalk where people were passing by. A lady came along in the crowd, carrying an armful of†¦presents; she gave off perfume like the red roses in hot summer, and Phoenix stopped her (460). Tradition says the phoenix bird has an affinity for frankin ­cense, aromatic gums, and spices. It is also worthwhile to note that the â€Å"nice lady,† as well as the hunter, initially responds to Phoenix In a negative, perhaps derogatory, way by calling her â€Å"Granny’ or â€Å"Grandma.† But in the final analysis, the lady is (at least momentarily) at Phoenix7s feet, and the hunter voices his admiration. Phoenix’s physical stature stands in sharp contrast to the enormity of her journey. Welty establishes in the first para ­graph that Phoenix is very old and small. Me fact that her walking could be aided and sustained by a thin, small cane made from an umbrella provides the reader with a graphic Illustration of her diminutive size. Her small size, of course, emphasizes, by contrast, Phoenixs giant‑sized determination and perseverance. Effects of old age, particularly poor eyesight, intensifies Phoenix’s dangerous trek. When the path runs up a hill, Phoenix says, â€Å"Seem like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far† (457). Poor vision is indicated throughout the story, for example, â€Å"Old eyes thought you was a pretty little green bush† (457). However, one uncanny incident occurs regarding PhoenbCs eyesight. She sees â€Å"†¦with her own eyes a flashing nickel fall out of the man’s pocket onto the ground† (459). This episode supports the parallel drawn between Phoenix and the firebird‑‑she exercises ‘bird‑like† vision. Perhaps she has long contemplated what she would do if she had a nickel or a dime.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Handwriting Analysis Essay

As the World’s Economy drops down, the need for jobs has rapidly increased over the years, but how do employers tell a hardworking potential from a lazy couch potato? In resumes anyone can write anything, so how do people tell the truth from a lie? In the world of businesses, the secret lies in the hands of the employees. Some employers decide to trust the resume as it is, while others choose another notion. A number of bosses have chosen to â€Å"read† their potential employees’ handwriting to understand their personality. The applicants perform a simple test. Then, people who are known as graphologists study the handwriting to uncover information about that certain person. Graphologists do not always just study a person’s handwriting. They study it and develop ways so that it is possible to uncover more information about the brain and its mysteries. Handwriting, is sometimes seen as a â€Å"blueprint to the brain† because it has been discovered to show one’s values and personality, which gives hope to the scientists around the world that the seclusive mass in the skull’s secrets can be unlocked and, maybe, be shared with the public. Handwriting analysis is an art that is used to figure out a person’s traits and characteristics. Nowadays, anyone can click on a website that shows all the rules and guidelines to become a handwriting analyzer. They then claimed that â€Å"anyone can understand their personality,† but analyzing does not mean understanding, it means discovering. So how can one understand their personality? There is always a beginning to start an end. In the history of handwriting analysis, it first started with the Emperor Nero. As everyone knows, he was paranoid and a tyrant. He had said that every letter sent to him had to be studied by an expert to see if the sender was an enemy or not. Thus graphology took it’s first flight. However, the first book about graphology was created by a scientist, Alderius Prosper about 1619. Later, in 1622, a medicine professor named Camillo Baldi created a composition about handwriting analysis. It was called â€Å"How to Know the Habits and the Character of a Person From His Letters†. Later, in 1871, another scientist named Jean Hippolyte Michan officially called the study â€Å"graphology† and created the system and rules that now help graphologists in their work around the world. Before this time, there was not much progress that helped  graphology and handwriting analysis. In 1880 – 1883 there were three German psychi atrists, Dr. George Meyer, Dr. Wilhelm Preyer, and Dr. Ludwig Klages. They all examined graphology and pointed it to a psychological turn. Around 1897 – 1927, the Germans and the Americans were having a race to see which country could establish a theory about graphology first. It ended in 1908, when the Germans scientists created the German Graphological Society. Finally in 1927, Louise Rice created the American Graphology Society. Until the time Louise Rice came along, no one in America had known what graphology or handwriting analysis was. In 1952, Klara Roman experimented with muscle tension by making a machine that could measure the pressure of the hand as it drags a writing utensil around the paper. After creating the machine device, she used it to experiment on little children’s handwritings. Then in 1955, Klara Roman and George Staemphli invented a chart that is now called the Graphological Psychogram. It puts different variables in order for an experiment which then they plotted them on the chart. For example, they would add more sleep or bring in moody people. Later, a New Yorker with the name Daniel Anthony refined the psychogram to be more accurate. When people look closely at their own handwriting, they can see that all handwriting is different and that they have their own styles. However, what most people do not realize is that they are not all unique. Instead, each handwriting has adopted a different aspect of a style. Say, there is a face. Each piece, or feature, of the face can change, but it is still the same feature. The only other difference that feature shows to other feature is their appearance. Such as it is with handwriting, each â€Å"feature† may look different, however, it is still the same. It is inevitable and can never be changed. According to, no matter what method, formula, or any idea used to teach calligraphy, it does not affect the pupil’s handwriting. There are many â€Å"features† to handwriting that makes a handwriting unique. Such as, the handwriting’s size, spacing, signatures, shape, and etcetera. The size of one’s handwriting can be varied at times, but there is always a specific size that your hand would write into. Some people naturally have large handwriting, which can be greater than seven millimeters. A medium sized script can tend to be four to six millimeters long while a small sized font can be less than three millimeters. Also, the  spacing of one’s calligraphy can be managed as well, however, many people have never cared enough to keep their spacing even. Spacing can be determined by how far their words are from each other. Sometimes, the spacing of the words can be as far as a finger widths apart or one to two millimeters apart. The spacing can affect many parts of your handwriting. Such as it is with the signatures. The signature can be extremely hard to write or one of the most simple tasks. Whichever way it is, there is only one simple difference between them: if it is legible or illegible. That is the only difference for the signatures of one’s writing. The shape of one’s manuscript is one of the biggest differences between handwritings. They could be circular shaped, jagged points, curled, or looped. The possibilities of the different aspects can be endless. These are the different styles of one’s personal handwritings. Just like handwriting, there are many different types of personalities. However, most personalities are made up of character traits that are joined together to create one identity. Personalities are how we act or react to our daily lives. It is what links our actions and our thoughts together in what we call an attitude. There are many different types of personalities that contrast each other, but on the contrary, some tend to be alike. There are generally placed into four groups. These groups can be summarized as four characters from the Hundred Acre Woods in the Disney cartoon â€Å"Winnie the Pooh.† The Tigger, the Rabbit, the Eeyore, and the Pooh bear. The Tiggers tend to be enthusiastic, nice, the happy-go-lucky open, and more approachable. Meanwhile there is the Eeyore personality. These Eeyore people tend to be sullen, and often in a corner ignoring everybody. They are not lonely or sad, but it is that they like being alone and that it is just their nature to be alone. Even though they are solitary, they are also observant. Eeyores take in their surroundings and let everything unravel as they sit and do nothing. The Rabbit people, however, are very mismatched from the Tiggers and the Eeyores. The Rabbit people are the born leaders and they take responsibility when their is no one to take charge. They are ambitious and persevere to complete a task. They can sometimes become very bossy at times and Lastly, there is the Pooh bears. They are the most caring and friendliest of the groups. Pooh bears tend to be a people pleaser  even if they have to suffer for it. However, they enjoy to be uncomfortable if everyone is comfortable too. They tend to be the very nice people and sometimes gullible. Now these are only groups that personalitees can fall into. Though, there can be a mix of two or more groups to create a different identity. Handwriting used to be seen as an innocent tool to communicate with a pen and paper. Now, scientists have uncovered that not only does handwriting tell you moods and values, it can tell about your personalities. There is a key or a system, created by Jean Hippolyte Michan that can tell about different attributes. Meaning, with each â€Å"feature† of handwriting, there is a personality trait that matches up with that feature. A large sized handwriting symbolizes an outgoing trait in that person. A wide space between the words mean that the person prefers being alone rather that being with other people. However, there is a variable that can change. When you have a mood change, you can write differently than usual. For example, if you are happy you write contrasting how your handwriting would look when you are sad. So it can change depending on your mood. It can grow bigger, tilt more to the left or right, or become more messy. Another aspect that can affect your calligraphy is y our self-esteem. Your self-esteem is what your perspective is of yourself and what kind of person you think you are. It can constantly change it can only do so if a person thinks of themselves as a higher or lower being. For instance, a person with a higher self-esteem would look different if that same person had a lower self-esteem. Mainly though, one’s handwriting would differ the most depending on if the writer is conscious of his or her piece or not. Consciously writing would mean that the writer is writing and paying attention as he/she drags the writing utensil across the paper. Unconsciously means that the person knows that he is writing, but does not pay attention to how it looks. Such is the case when it comes to handwriting analysis, the main difference between unconsciously writing and consciously writing is that when you do not pay attention to how you write, the font tends to be messier, bigger, and less accurate than how it would be if you were consciously writing. There is a great significance to handwriting to handwriting analysis.  Handwriting Analysis is an art that is occasionally practiced by the police and used to see a what kind of person someone by trying to uncover your personality. It can also tell what mood a person is whether your happy or sad. A happy person tends to have bigger handwriting. It can also determine what a person’s values are. They can see your morals or beliefs depending on what they are looking at. There are many styles of handwriting, and it is possible that it would lead to a personality trait that would describe you. This is the importance of handwriting analysis. Handwriting analysis took a slow and long journey to be able to be what it is now. From the year 54 AD to the twenty-first century, it had progressed into a flourishing study that is researched by young and old. The style of a handwriting is the heartbeat of the whole study. With many different attributes that constructs themselves into different fonts, they all look very different. Like handwriting styles, there are different character traits that makes up one gigantic personality. However, with each â€Å"feature† of a certain handwriting, there is always a personality trait that is matched up with that â€Å"feature.† As said before, one can know their personality, but many can not understand it, so how can one be able to understand his/her personality? As many struggle to become one with themselves they begin to have doubts growing in them and soon they are confused. However, there is conviction that a person can understand their personality. Works Cited Page Lowe, Sheila. â€Å"What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?† Primer Magazine. Andrew, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. Sheikh, F.D. â€Å"What Lies in Your Handwriting.† Web log post. In the Name of the Human†¦ F.D. Sheikh, 13 Mar. 2012. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. Woollaston, Victoria. â€Å"What Does Your Handwriting Say about You?† Mail Online(2013): n. pag. Mail Online. 29 July 2013. Web. 14 Sept. 2013.